Worth It's Weight In Gold
THANK YOU!!! We just ordered a second one for the south side of the house. We ordered the first one last week and decided to see how it worked. The dogs at issue are 250 feet away and in the row of houses behind us to the north. We mounted the DSM to a pole and aimed it to their back yard. We used the remote. Dogs barked once— we used the remote. They barked again —we used the remote-they immediately quit. Its been 48 hours now and not a sound!! We can see them outside—they are looking right at our deck. These dogs bark all day and all night. They start at 5:00 a.m. We could not use our deck, could not go out to do yard work, could not even open a window. Every neighbor on our street has complained. Several of us called animal control and nothing was done. Most of the neighbors, including us, have dogs. We have remotes, train them and control their barking. None of us leave them out to bark for hours. We have tried to be responsible dog owners and polite neighbors but last week while working from home I finally had enough. This product is worth its weight in gold—my husband danced in from the deck! We just ordered the second one with a solar panel. If I could give this 15 stars I would do so. I am a very satisfied, verified buyer.