Festive Foods Can be Dangerous for Your Dog
It is that time of year again and many of us are rushing about trying to get everything done in time for the big day. This of course includes planning the dinner menu and the onslaught of appetizers that seem to never end that lay on trays, often within a dogs reach.
Here is quick list of foods to be aware of:
- Dates
- Grapes
- Mince pie
- Christmas pudding
- Whole Brazil nuts
- Excessive amounts of cheese
Veterinary director Paula Boyden from Dogs Trust suggests: As a vet I have seen some terrible examples of dog poisoning over the Christmas period. In many cases the owner was totally unaware of the hidden dangers and was simply intending to be kind to their dog who was eager to share in the festive treats.
These are just a few, please visit the link above to get the full list of foods you should be aware of to make this a safe and happy Holiday for everyone, including the furry members of your family!