DIY First Aid Kit for Your Dog
We're in the midst of Pet Preparedness Month. Are you ready for dealing with the unexpected? Emergencies like natural disasters can catch us off guard, but having the right supplies and tools can drastically change how you deal with it. First things first, you want to have a first aid kit stocked and at the ready.
Your pet's first aid kit will be much like your own. While you can purchase pre-made ones in stores or online, it's just as easy to create your own – and personalize it for your dog.
It will help with minor accidents or major emergencies. Remember to replenish supplies, so you're never missing what you need.
Supplies for You and Your Dog
- Gauze. Including sterile and non-stick pads and rolls.
- Adhesive tape.
- Antiseptic Wipes, Lotion, Powder or Spray.
- Cotton balls or swabs.
- Hydrogen peroxide. It can help induce vomiting, but only do this when directed by a vet or poison control expert.
- Ice pack.
- Non-latex disposable gloves.
- Blunt-End Scissors.
- Sterile Saline Solution. If you wear contacts, you should have this already.
- Tweezers.
- Blanket. Specifically, the foil emergency kind.
Supplies for Your Dog Only
- Pet First Aid Book. Learn the basics and have the knowledge on hand. But when in doubt, always contact your vet!
- Self-Sticking Bandages. This can stick to itself but won’t stick to fur.
- Muzzle or Cloth Strips. Prevent biting with these, but only if your dog is not choking, coughing, vomiting or having difficulty breathing.
- Temperature Kit. Include a rectal thermometer, Petroleum jelly & rubbing alcohol. The jelly will lubricate the thermometer while the alcohol will clean it.
- Ear Cleaning Solution.
- Plastic Eyedropper or Syringe.
- Splints & Tongue Depressors.
- Nail Clippers.
- Needle-Nosed Pliers.
- Penlight or Flashlight.
- Towels.
- Expired Credit Card. Effective tool for scraping out any insect stingers.
- Temporary Identification Tags. Put your local contact information on your pet’s collar if you are away from home.
If you don’t already have one, pick up a carrying case, small backpack or lidded container to store everything securely. You can also create two of these, so you have one for your home and one for your vehicle.
Stay safe!