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There are so many different breeds, and all offer unique characteristics. Let's take a look at one interesting breed today, known for its extra toes.
As the name suggests, Lundehunds are from Norway. “Lund” means “puffin” and “hund” means “dog”. These dogs were bred to be puffin and puffin egg hunters. In 1900 they were only found in one remote village, and almost went extinct when two separate outbreaks of Canine Distemper struck. With careful breeding, the population has bounced back to 1600 worldwide.
Lundehunds have 2 extra toes on each paw – fully functional. These toes are what have made the dog's such excellent climbers for puffin hunting. On top of the extra toes, Lundehunds are extremely flexible and can fold their ears completely shut for a near-tight seal.
Lundehunds are known to be playful, energetic, smart, non-aggressive, and independent. They mesh well with families and other pets, as long as they are socialized well from puppyhood. So, maybe a Norwegian Lundehund is worth a look if you're looking for a new family member!
you can please some of the people all of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.Much can be felt in the spirit of this quote when we look at how we observe and discuss the issue of an ever growing pet population, dogs specifically, and the resulting stray dog populace that comes from it.